There are 7 Types of Sins (under the Law of Sin)
All can be categoried by Proverbs 6:16
- Lust
- Gluttony
- Greed
- Wrath
- Heresy
- Violence
- Fraud
“The Lord hates these 6 things and 7 are an abomination to Him.
- A proud look
- A lying tongue
- Hands that shed innocent blood
- A heart that devises wicked imaginations
- Feet that are swift in running to evil
- A false witness who speaks lies
- The one who sows discord among brothers”
Prov 6:16
NOTE: Pride and arrogance, then lying are listed even before murder. God’s rating system Is by INTENT (Avon) not the specific sin.
p. 1792-3 Glossary One New Man Bible
Sins according to Proverbs 6:16
HERESY: “….a proud look…” Proverbs 6:16
FRAUD: “…A lying Tongue..”Proverbs 6:16
VIOLENCE: “…hands that shed innocent blood…” Proverbs 6:16
LUST “..A heart that devices wicked imaginations”. Proverbs 6:16
WRATH: “…feet that are swift in running to evil.”
GREED”…A false witness who speaks lies.”
GLUTTONY “…The one who sows discord among his brothers.”
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